optical disk

noun, Computers, Television.
Also, optical disc. Also called laser disk. a grooveless disk on which digital data, as text, music, or pictures, is stored as tiny pits in the surface and is read or replayed by a laser beam scanning the surface.
Compare compact disk.
Examples from the web for optical disk
  • The optical disk system is currently being utilized where there is no access to the secure web- based system.
  • Most permanent records may be microfilmed or imaged and placed on an optical disk.
  • Inappropriate use or storage of optical media can cause warping of an optical disk or scratching of the polycarbonate substrate.
optical disk in Science
optical disk or optical disc  
A plastic-coated disk that stores digital data, such as music or text, as tiny pits on its surface. The disc is rotated rapidly, and a laser is reflected off the disc to an optical sensor, which is sampled periodically. If the laser strikes the flat area between pits, the sensor picks up the reflection and registers the digital value 1. If the laser strikes one of the pits, it is deflected from the sensor, and the sample value is a digital 0.